10 Must-Have Safari Extensions for Productivity

10 Must-Have Safari Extensions for Productivity

Safari, the web browser developed by Apple, supports a wide range of extensions that can enhance your productivity while browsing the internet.

Safari Extensions for Productivity

Here are ten must-have Safari extensions for productivity:


Pocket allows you to save articles, videos, and web pages for later viewing. It syncs across devices, making it easy to access your saved content whenever you need it.


LastPass is a password manager that securely stores your passwords and autofills them when needed. It can generate strong passwords and sync them across multiple devices, ensuring your accounts are secure.


Grammarly is a powerful writing assistant that checks your spelling, grammar, and punctuation as you type. It can help you write error-free emails, documents, and social media posts.

4.Evernote Web Clipper:

If you use Evernote for note-taking and organization, the Evernote Web Clipper extension is a must-have. It allows you to save web pages, articles, and screenshots directly to your Evernote account.


OneTab helps you manage tab overload by converting all your open tabs into a list. This extension can free up system resources and reduce clutter, allowing you to focus on the tabs that matter.


Momentum is a popular productivity extension that replaces your browser's new tab page with a customizable dashboard. It provides a to-do list, inspirational quotes, weather updates, and a calming background image.


RescueTime tracks the time you spend on different websites and provides detailed reports on your daily activities. It helps you identify time-wasting websites and provides insights for improving your productivity.


Honey is a handy extension that automatically finds and applies coupon codes when you shop online. It can save you time and money by searching for discounts across various e-commerce sites.

9.Tab Snooze:

Tab Snooze lets you temporarily hide tabs and set reminders to bring them back at a later time. It's useful when you want to declutter your workspace but still need to access certain tabs later.


If you find yourself easily distracted by time-wasting websites, StayFocusd can help. It allows you to set time limits on specific sites, blocking access once the allocated time is up. 

These Safari extensions can significantly enhance your productivity by providing features like distraction management, password management, content organization, and time tracking. Choose the ones that align with your workflow and preferences to make the most of your browsing experience.

How to Install and Manage Extensions on Safari

If you're looking to enhance your browsing experience on Safari, installing and managing extensions is a great way to do so. With extensions, you can customize your browser and add new features and functionalities. This guide will walk you through the process of installing and managing extensions on Safari, allowing you to personalize your browsing experience to your liking.

Open Safari and go to the Safari Extensions Gallery.

To install and manage extensions on Safari, start by opening the Safari browser on your device. Then, navigate to the Safari Extensions Gallery, which can be found by clicking on the Safari menu at the top left corner of your screen and selecting "Safari Extensions." This will take you to the official Safari Extensions Gallery, where you can browse through a wide range of extensions available for download. From there, you can choose the extensions that interest you and follow the instructions provided to install them on your Safari browser.

Browse through the available extensions and choose the one you want to install.

Once you are in the Safari Extensions Gallery, you will see a list of available extensions. You can browse through the different categories or use the search bar to find a specific extension. 

Each extension will have a brief description and user reviews to help you make your decision. Once you have found an extension that you want to install, simply click on the "Install Now" button next to it. Safari will then prompt you to confirm the installation and ask for your permission to access certain features of your browser. Once you have granted permission, the extension will be installed and ready to use. 

You can manage your installed extensions by going to the Safari menu, selecting "Preferences," and clicking on the "Extensions" tab. From there, you can enable or disable extensions, adjust their settings, or uninstall them if you no longer need them.

Click on the "Install Now" button next to the extension.

After you have found an extension that you want to install from the Safari Extensions Gallery, simply click on the "Install Now" button next to it. This will prompt Safari to ask for your confirmation to install the extension and request permission to access certain features of your browser. Once you have granted permission, the extension will be installed and ready to use. It's as simple as that!

Safari will prompt you to confirm the installation. Click on "Install" to proceed.

When you have found the extension you want to install from the Safari Extensions Gallery, the next step is to click on the "Install Now" button. This will trigger a prompt from Safari asking for your confirmation to install the extension and requesting permission to access certain features of your browser. Once you have given your permission, the extension will be installed and you can start using it right away. It's a straightforward process that allows you to customize your Safari browsing experience to your liking.

Manage Extensions

Once the installation is complete, you can manage your extensions by going to Safari > Preferences > Extensions. In the Extensions tab, you will see a list of all the extensions you have installed. From here, you can enable or disable individual extensions by checking or unchecking the box next to their name. You can also remove an extension completely by clicking on the "Uninstall" button. Additionally, some extensions may have their own settings that you can customize. Simply click on the extension's name to access these settings. Managing your extensions allows you to keep your Safari browser organized and tailored to your specific needs.